Case for Bernie Sanders 2020

Bernie Sanders will not only secure the Democratic nomination, but will inevitably beat Donald Trump in 2020 matchup.

Topher Taplin
6 min readJan 26, 2018
Hindsight is 2020?

As the old saying goes “hindsight is 20/20.” My mother used to tell me that every time I would do something incredibly stupid. Whether it be riding my bicycle without wearing a helmet. Or not letting a sleeping dog lie. The last one was just a joke, but you get my point. Old sayings are old sayings for a reason. Most of them hold very sound wisdom that can be used on a daily basis.

With Bernie now being the most popular politician in the country. Is there any reason why we cant assume that he would be the Democratic front-runner in 2020? Well, if you listen to the establishment media then there would be one million reasons why you would assume otherwise. Bernie is a very polarizing figure in the eyes of establishment Democrats.


For a man who is now 76 years old, he sounds much more like a college student railing against the status quo. Which could be why he is so popular with millennials. That being said I think its an overused sentiment for why he is so popular.

Bernie is much more than just a figurehead for millennial outrage. He represents, in my opinion, the true heart, and character of what makes America great. His boldness, and commitment to his belief that if “we stand together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish” attitude speaks to most Americans in a way that has not been seen since John F. Kennedy.


Bernie reminds me more of F.D.R however. I’m sure that I am not informing anyone that America is in dire straights. Yes, the economy is doing fine for now, and the Dow-Jones is up. That doesn’t mean another recession isn’t just around the corner. When you allow big banks and wall-street to gamble with consumer money then you’re playing with fire. Which means if not by 2020 then by 2024 we will be looking at another recession if not a great depression. By that time we may need another FDR to create another new deal.

Our infrastructure is in shambles, student debt is at an all-time high of roughly 1.4 trillion dollars in an age where a college degree is a necessity. Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and most can’t even make it on 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job.

credit: evonews

Even as more Americans are going back to work, many are not fortunate enough to even land a full-time job with benefits. So let us play a quick game. Let us say you’re a 24-year-old. Who has spent the last 4 years in college with an average student loan debt of 30,000 dollars. Then you add in the factor that most students who are coming out of college are unable to find work in their field, and are forced to take retail jobs that don’t pay nearly as well.

You know what? For the heck of it, we’ll play just one more round of “America: we hate the working class.” Let us say you’re a former factory worker whose job was shipped overseas because of the wonderful trade agreements that have been passed over the last couple of decades. You lose your job, and now because of an unstable economy, you’re forced to take a job at McDonald’s or everyone's favorite company Wal-Mart. You take the job hoping for a chance at advancement because the American dream teaches us that those who work hard enough will always be rewarded in the end. Though the sad truth of the matter is that statistically you will either never advance or you will have food stamps and other government assistance shoved down your throat because your loving boss doesn’t believe in paying a fair enough wage. You will then intern take those food stamps, and spend them at Wal-Mart. Thus costing the taxpayers ( yourself included) more money. While they could have just paid you a livable wage, and saved millions. Isn’t this game fun?

So is it any wonder why Bernie is as popular as he is? With income inequality at an, all time high more people are flocking to a Populist left the message. One that says “a corporation is not a person. A corporation does not have First Amendment rights to spend as much money as it wants, without disclosure, on a political campaign.”


Donald Trump aka Chester Cheeto ran a queasy populist campaign in 2016. Surprise to no one who was paying attention, it worked. He beat Hillary Clinton, albeit to an archaic voting system, but a win nonetheless. Americans are tired of business as usual politics. They want someone who is gonna kick down the door and say “enough is enough.” When you fight for the people you will always win. That's why F.D.R won 3 terms. If he hadn’t of passed away he would have won again.

Standing O for The Bern

This brings me back to my original point. Back in March of 2017, Bernie held a town hall meeting in West Virginia. A deep red state, much like my home of Kentucky. Where you wouldn’t be too hard pressed to hear deliverance banjos playing somewhere off in the distance. He talked about healthcare, and why America needed to join the rest of the world in ensuring that healthcare is a right to all. I’ll give you one guess how that ended. No, they didn’t burn him at the cross for practicing witchcraft. He received a standing ovation. Trump country giving a democratic socialist a standing ovation? Color me an everyone else not shocked.

Fart left populism is no stranger to the United States as I’m sure many of you already know. Or at least I’d hope you’d remember FDR. The democratic party used to be full of them. Many considered Jimmy Carter a far left looney toon ( he wasn't.) So why now? Why do we need Bernie Sanders as our next president?

Bernard Sanders, as of right now. Is the only candidate who has the name recognition, loyal backing, and political wit to topple the far right Chester Cheeto. There aren't many candidates in modern history who could do that. America is going through a true political and social crisis at the moment. Now is the time, and now is when we fight. Don’t ever let the right, and even establishment democrats tell you that it can’t be done. A candidate who was only polling at 2% in 2015 almost caught Hillary Clinton. He almost clinched the Democratic nomination. This is only the beginning.

As of writing this article, Politico released an article stating that Bernie is meeting with his top political advisors to discuss a possible 2020 run. For any democratic socialist out there. This is big/great news. As of now, i’m almost positive he will run. It’s happening, everyone. We are possibly looking at the next president of the United States.



Topher Taplin

Everything I write is usually satire. Very sarcastic, and a little bit of a nerd. Corgis are my favorite so be prepared for tons of photos Blogger|Photographer