America says “You’re fired!”

Topher Taplin
Nov 9, 2020
Photo by Marco Zuppone on Unsplash

Like a whirlwind, on Saturday morning, American enterprises told Donald trump once and for all, “you’re fired!” Sources say Mr. Trump was not too pleased by this. He keeps going on and on about how this is “really all Karen’s fault. If she had just counted the numbers as I had asked, I would still have my job, believe me.” We have heard from numerous people that Karen did indeed count the numbers correctly and that Mr. Trump has for years been, and I quote, “ A maniacal Cheeto who is a pathological liar.”

For some odd reason, millions of people all across American enterprises took to the street to cheer in joy as Mr. Trump’s firing made headlines in emails all across the company. People joined in cubicle parties and even had dance-offs. It was quite a sight to behold. Once more information is available, we will follow up with another article.



Topher Taplin

Everything I write is usually satire. Very sarcastic, and a little bit of a nerd. Corgis are my favorite so be prepared for tons of photos Blogger|Photographer